இன்றைக்கு தசாவதாரம் 100வது நாள்.

உலகநாயகனின் புகழ்பாடும் உற்சாக வலைப்பூ!
நீங்கள் உண்மையை பேசினால் அதை உடனே மறந்து விடலாம். பொய் பேசினால் அதை வாழ்நாள் முழுக்க ஞாபகம் வைத்திருக்க வேண்டும்(ஒரு பேட்டியில் சொன்னது)
ஒரு பொய் ஜெயிக்க வேண்டுமானால் அதனுடன் பல உண்மைகளையும் சொல்ல வேண்டும் (இந்தியன் பட வெற்றிவிழா பேச்சு)
வன்முறையால் யாருடைய மத நம்பிக்கையையும் மாற்ற முடியாது (இதை தசாவதாரத்தில் காட்சிப்படுத்திருப்பார், நம்பியின் நாமத்தை ஒருவர் அழிப்பார். ஆனால் ஒரு சிறுவன் எறியும் கல்லினால் எற்படும் ரத்தத்தால் நெற்றியில் நாமம் மீண்டும் வந்துவிடும்)
உடலில் வலி இருப்பதே நாம் வாழ்வதன் அடையாளம் (எப் எம் விளம்பரத்துக்காக)
சாத்தியம் என்பது வார்த்தை அல்ல, செயல்
நான் தலைவனில்லை, என்னை தொடரவேண்டாம். நான் தொண்டனுமில்லை, எனக்கு வழிகாட்டவும் வேண்டாம்
தசாவதாரம் பற்றி நெதர்லான்ட் இணைய தளத்தில் வந்த செய்தி
Indian film more than drama and bling-bling
By Jolan Douwes*
Could it be coincidence, while India's nuclear deal with the US hits the headlines, a film on a hunt to find a biological weapon is filling cinemas in southern India?And while the country recovers from two bomb attacks, a film about a terrorist leader is running in the film houses. The imagination of Indian scenario writers goes further than romance, drama and bling-bling. On a day in the middle of the week, a cinema in the southern Indian temple city of Madurai is sold out. The title of the film they have come to see is on a billboard in the entrance in the regional Tamil language: "Dasavatharam" (Ten Characters). Our interpreter has seen the film three times already. He knows all the songs off by heart. Full of pride, he tells us that after the premiere cinemas filled easily for several weeks. 1100 seats, four times a day. The success is mainly down to the actor Kamal Haasan who plays an incredible ten roles. Besides the good guy - he plays an Indian scientist who has developed a biological weapon at NASA in the US which has to be kept out of the hands of terrorists.
He also throws himself into the role of the bad guy, a 95-year-old grandmother, a pop star and a hero from the 12th century. Even his metamorphosis into the US President George W Bush is quite convincing - except for the eyes. Eddy Murphy can eat his heart out. What makes the film interesting, besides the storyline and the catchy singing and dancing, is the connection to the news. The hunt for the destructive biological weapon starts in the US and continues in India. It is no coincidence that the film is set in December 2004, because the tsunami provides a dramatic ending; the salty tidal waves, which claim several victims in the south, also deactivate the bomb. "Good isn't it, nature gives and nature takes away," sighs our interpreter, when we get into a motorised rickshaw afterwards. "Ten Characters" is one of more than 850 Indian films produced every year. A large number of them are made in regional languages. The Bollywood productions which travel throughout the world are recorded in Hindi. They do not only do well in the Indian community in the US and Europe. They are also popular in West African countries like Nigeria, not least because they are decent: in the film we saw there was no sex or nakedness for three hours; only a virtuous kiss towards the end. No Defence Minister can deny that news stories are sneaking into Indian films, writes a film historian in The Times of India. Intelligence agencies were the first to point out that the bombings at the end of July bore a striking resemblance to the film "Contract" which had just started running. In the film, hospitals were targeted just like in reality. The film historian warns that Indian society - which is already a bit edgy- shouldn't speculate too much about a "secret" relationship between crime and fiction. That would only make cinema-goers more paranoid.*RNW Translation (nc)
Tags: Bollywood, cinema, Indian nuclear deal, Kamal Haasan